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Biochemical and Nutritional Impact of Celery and Turnip Leaves on Induced Obese by High Fat Diet (HFD)

Received: 21 November 2014     Accepted: 30 November 2014     Published: 8 December 2014
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The high fiber diet is reported to have substantial health benefits such as anti-obesity. So, this study evaluated the effect of celery and turnip leaves on high fat diet (HFD) induced-obese rats. Sprague-Dawley male rats aged 4 weeks old divided 6 groups: G1, fed on basal diet and G2 fed on HFD during the nutritional experimental period, G3 fed on HFD with oral administrated water extract of celery, G4 fed on HFD with oral administrated water extract of turnip leaves, G5 and G6 fed on HFD containing fresh blanch of celery and turnip leaves (as 5% fiber content), respectively for 7 weeks. Finally, at the end of experimental period the blood samples were collected. Rats were weighted, killed and organs were removed. Histopathological and adipose tissue tests were evaluated. Results: Generally, the results showed that the treated rats by celery and turnip leaves had significant decrease in body weight gain and feed intake compared to positive control. Also, celery and turnip leaves had significant decrease in TG, TC, LDL-C and VLDL-C.Similarly, celery and turnip leaves caused reductions in the atherogenic index and coronary risk index (AI and CRI). The liver and kidney functions were decreased when rats fed on HFD with celery and turnip leaves compared to positive control. And rats fed on celery and turnip leaves diets had significant increase in fasting insulin concentration compared to positive control. Concerning histopathological findings; the HFD group had a high changes in liver and kidney. The rats fed on HFD with water extract of both celery and turnip leaves had normal aorta, while some changes in liver and kidney were detected. The rats fed on HFD with 5% as fiber from turnip leaves had a few changes in liver and kidney. The rats feeding on HFD with fresh blanch celery had the lowest weight of total adipose tissue mass and no. of pad cell. Conclusion: using vegetables caused decrease in serum lipid profile, loss body weight, reductions in AI, CRIand prevent the accumulation of white adipose tissue (WAT) in rats. Also, it is a good sources of fiber and bioactive compounds which using as functional compounds.

Published in Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences (Volume 2, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17
Page(s) 285-302
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by Science Publishing Group


Obesity, Celery, Turnip Leaves, Feeding, Adipose Tissue Mass, Blood Lipid Profile, Insulin Concentration, Histopathology

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  • APA Style

    Salem Amany AbdEl-Fattah. (2014). Biochemical and Nutritional Impact of Celery and Turnip Leaves on Induced Obese by High Fat Diet (HFD). Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2(6), 285-302. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17

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    ACS Style

    Salem Amany AbdEl-Fattah. Biochemical and Nutritional Impact of Celery and Turnip Leaves on Induced Obese by High Fat Diet (HFD). J. Food Nutr. Sci. 2014, 2(6), 285-302. doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17

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    AMA Style

    Salem Amany AbdEl-Fattah. Biochemical and Nutritional Impact of Celery and Turnip Leaves on Induced Obese by High Fat Diet (HFD). J Food Nutr Sci. 2014;2(6):285-302. doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17

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  • @article{10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17,
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Biochemical and Nutritional Impact of Celery and Turnip Leaves on Induced Obese by High Fat Diet (HFD)
    AU  - Salem Amany AbdEl-Fattah
    Y1  - 2014/12/08
    PY  - 2014
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jfns.20140206.17
    AB  - The high fiber diet is reported to have substantial health benefits such as anti-obesity. So, this study evaluated the effect of celery and turnip leaves on high fat diet (HFD) induced-obese rats. Sprague-Dawley male rats aged 4 weeks old divided 6 groups: G1, fed on basal diet and G2 fed on HFD during the nutritional experimental period, G3 fed on HFD with oral administrated water extract of celery, G4 fed on HFD with oral administrated water extract of turnip leaves, G5 and G6 fed on HFD containing fresh blanch of celery and turnip leaves (as 5% fiber content), respectively for 7 weeks. Finally, at the end of experimental period the blood samples were collected. Rats were weighted, killed and organs were removed. Histopathological and adipose tissue tests were evaluated. Results: Generally, the results showed that the treated rats by celery and turnip leaves had significant decrease in body weight gain and feed intake compared to positive control. Also, celery and turnip leaves had significant decrease in TG, TC, LDL-C and VLDL-C.Similarly, celery and turnip leaves caused reductions in the atherogenic index and coronary risk index (AI and CRI). The liver and kidney functions were decreased when rats fed on HFD with celery and turnip leaves compared to positive control. And rats fed on celery and turnip leaves diets had significant increase in fasting insulin concentration compared to positive control. Concerning histopathological findings; the HFD group had a high changes in liver and kidney. The rats fed on HFD with water extract of both celery and turnip leaves had normal aorta, while some changes in liver and kidney were detected. The rats fed on HFD with 5% as fiber from turnip leaves had a few changes in liver and kidney. The rats feeding on HFD with fresh blanch celery had the lowest weight of total adipose tissue mass and no. of pad cell. Conclusion: using vegetables caused decrease in serum lipid profile, loss body weight, reductions in AI, CRIand prevent the accumulation of white adipose tissue (WAT) in rats. Also, it is a good sources of fiber and bioactive compounds which using as functional compounds.
    VL  - 2
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Special Food and Nutrition Department, Food Technology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt

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